Wednesday, July 13, 2011


   Electricity is the flow of free electrons in a conductor from one atom to the next atom in the same general direction

. This flow of electrons is referred to as current and is
designated by the symbol “I”.  Electrons move through a conductor at different rates and electric current has different values


that pass through
a cross-section of a conductor
is determined by the number of electrons 
in one second

current is measured in amperes which is abbreviated
“amps”. The letter “A” is the symbol for amps.
                  Units of Measurement
Prefix                   Symbol               Decimal
1 kilo ampere           1 k A                  1000 A
1 milli ampere          1 m A                  1/1000 A
1 micro ampere         1 µ A               1/1,000,000 A

current (I) =change in charge / change in time = dQ/dt
current measured by ampere . 1 Ampere = Coulomb /second
there are two types of current direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC)

DC is constant direction the flow of electrons in one direction
only .electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal
one the battery

                     I (DC) = Q/t

    AC change it`s polarity at half cycle and direction of 

                             I(AC)  =dQ/dt


SI system

                                             SI units

The system of units used in engineering and science is the (International system of units), usually abbreviated to SI units, and is based on the metric system and is now adopted by the majority of countries as .the official system of measurements 


The basic units in the SI system are listed with their symbols
length                                                           metre m
mass                                                            kilogram , kg
time                                                              second,     s
electric current                                              ampere , A
thermodynamic temperature                            kelvin, K
luminous intensity                                           candela, cd
amount of substance                                          mole, mol
     ·     SI units may be made larger or smaller by using prefixes which denote
multiplication or division by a particular amount. The six most common multiples, with their meaning, are listed
                    M   mega                multiply by 1 000 000    
        k    kilo                        multiply by 1000          
        m   milli                       divide by 1000           
           µ   micro                  divide by 1 000 000
         n  nano    divide by 1 000 000 000              
         p pico                    divide by 1 000 000 000 000